Masteron Enanthate 200


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200 mg/mL
10 mL multi dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 62/25
Half-Life: 6 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 200-600 mg/week, with one injection/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended. Females should only use the propionate ester if desired.
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate/Sustanon, Trenbolone Enanthate, Anavar, Winstrol


Masteron Enanthate is the longer-acting ester of drostanolone that is commonly used by bodybuilders during cutting cycles to harden the look of muscles. It is a structurally altered form of DHT by the addition of a methyl group at the C2 position and is commonly known for its anti-estrogenic effects as it is not a substrate for aromatase, and therefore cannot be aromatized into estrogenic metabolites, producing no estrogenic activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes struggling with estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and fluid retention. Masteron could reduce the effects caused by other drugs in your stack, reducing the need for an anti-estrogen. It is also not known to pose a risk of hepatotoxicity.

Masteron Enanthate has a longer half-life compared to that of the propionate ester, with a half-life of approximately 6 days. This means that it only needs to be injected once per week in order to maintain stable blood serum levels. It has a much lower androgenic rating compared to testosterone, resulting in less of a risk of virilization. It carries an anabolic/androgenic rating of 62/25 respectively. It may be used by women in low doses, however, female users must be aware that mild virilization, including acne, deepening of voice, hair loss, etc., could manifest with long-term therapy. Due to the longer half-life of drostanolone enanthate, it is recommended that females stick to the propionate ester in case mild virilization occurs. This way, it can be eliminated from the body much quicker. Hair loss is a possible side effect in users with a history of male-pattern baldness.

Although Masteron is not well-known for promoting lean muscle gains, it does promote significant boosts in strength and is well known for enhancing metabolic rate. It is an exceptional cutting agent for users wanting a harder, dryer look. Some of the benefits of Mast E include:
– Ability to enhance fat loss and promote lipolysis
– Produces moderate strength gains, recovery, and endurance
– Carries anti-estrogenic effects
– Exceptional cutting agent to produce a hard, dry look in the muscles
– Best to use pre-show in users under 10% BF and at the end of cutting cycles

What is the recommended dosage?

The recommended dosage of Masteron Enanthate varies widely depending on who you talk to. In our opinion, a sensible dosage for most athletes is between 200-600mg per week for males. This can be injected once per week. A typical cycle will last 8-12 weeks, with a maximum of 16 weeks. If females desire to use this steroid, it is recommended that they stick to the propionate ester in low doses.

What does Masteron stack well with?

Masteron and Testosterone have a symbiotic relationship and stack extremely well together for all stages of bodybuilders. A 50% test, 50% masteron cycle will give sufficient results for most users. The addition of Anavar may also be beneficial for many users. For extreme results, a “Superman Stack” of 1/3 Masteron Enanthate, 1/3 Testosterone Enanthate, 1/3 Trenbolone Enanthate can be used. This should be reserved for only the most advanced and seasoned athletes who have previously experienced the results from Masteron.